

Click Here to Register Online Now! 

To register by bank transfer, please complete the registration form and email the completed form to the M&N conference manager

M&N 2015 Registration fees are listed below in USD:



through 04 Sept 2015


after 04 Sept 2015

IMS Member $380 $450
IEEE Member $400 $470
Non-Member $555 $615
Student, IEEE Life-Member $250 $300

 Extra Items

Additional Banquet Ticket $75
Additional Lunch Ticket $30/day
Additional Paper Fee $50/paper


*Registration fees include access to all sessions, lunches, coffee breaks and the social dinner (except for Student Registration, which does not include the social dinner)

**No refunds after September 4, 2015


Do not jeopardize the publication of your work in the proceedings! An accepted paper will be published in the proceedings only if the full-fee registration payment for one of the authors is received and correctly processed by September 4, 2015 (no exceptions) and the paper must be presented at the conference. Only member or non-member fees are allowed to cover the publication of an accepted paper. Student registration fees cannot be used to guarantee the publication of an accepted paper. If the author registering to cover the paper publication is a student, he has to pay the appropriate member or non-member fee. Members to whom the society bylaws grant special discounts (e.g., Life members of the IEEE) cannot use the discounted rates to cover the publication of an accepted paper: they have to pay the member fee.

One author registration will cover the publication expenses of only oneaccepted paper. For each additional accepted paper associated to the same registration, a $50 USD printing contribution will be charged. In the case no registration has been received and correctly processed to cover the paper publication, the conference organizers will contact the authors before the paper is removed from the proceedings.

To qualify for member rates, the membership number must be provided in the registration form. No exception.


For further information concerning your registration, please, contact only the M&N 2015 Manager.